
CreateImageBrush(XpsImage, RectangleF, RectangleF)

Creates a new image brush.

public XpsImageBrush CreateImageBrush(XpsImage image, RectangleF viewbox, RectangleF viewport)
imageXpsImageAn image resource.
viewboxRectangleFThe position and dimensions of the brush’s source content.
viewportRectangleFThe region in the containing coordinate space of the prime brush tile that is (possibly repeatedly) applied to fill the region to which the brush is applied

Return Value

New image brush.

See Also

CreateImageBrush(string, RectangleF, RectangleF)

Creates a new image brush.

public XpsImageBrush CreateImageBrush(string imagePath, RectangleF viewbox, RectangleF viewport)
imagePathStringThe path to the image to take as a brush tile.
viewboxRectangleFThe position and dimensions of the brush’s source content.
viewportRectangleFThe region in the containing coordinate space of the prime brush tile that is (possibly repeatedly) applied to fill the region to which the brush is applied

Return Value

New image brush.

See Also