Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction class

GoToRemoteAction class

Represents a remote go-to action that is similar to an ordinary go-to action but jumps to a destination in another PDF file instead of the current file.

class GoToRemoteAction : public Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction


get_Destination() overrideGets the destination to jump to.
get_File()Gets the specification of the file in which the destination is located.
get_NewWindow()Gets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window.
get_Next()Next actions in sequence.
GetECMAScriptString()Gets string for ECMAScript Action.
GoToAction(int32_t)Constructor for GoToAction class.
GoToAction(System::SharedPtr<Page>)Constructor for GoToAction class.
GoToAction(System::SharedPtr<Page>, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr<double>&)Constructor for GoToAction class.
GoToAction(System::SharedPtr<Document>, System::String)Action which linked with Named Destination.
GoToRemoteAction(System::String, int32_t)Initializes GoToRemoteAction object.
GoToRemoteAction(System::String, System::SharedPtr<ExplicitDestination>)Initializes GoToRemoteAction object.
set_Destination(System::SharedPtr<IAppointment>) overrideSets the destination to jump to.
set_File(System::SharedPtr<FileSpecification>)Sets the specification of the file in which the destination is located.
set_NewWindow(ExtendedBoolean)Sets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window.
ToString() const overrideReturns string representation of ExplicitDestination object.

See Also