Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure class

Measure class

Class which describes Measure coordinate system.

class Measure : public System::Object


get_AngleFormat()A number format array for measurement of angles.
get_AreaFormat()A number format array for measurement of area.
get_DistanceFormat()A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction.
get_Origin()Point that shall specify the origin of the measurement coordinate system in default user space coordinates.
get_ScaleRatio()A text string expressing the scale ratio of the drawing.
get_SlopeFormat()A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line.
get_XFormat()A number format array for measurement of change along the xaxis and, if Y is not present, along the y axis as well.
get_XYFactor()A factor that shall be used to convert the largest units along the y axis to the largest units along the x axis.
get_YFormat()A number format array for measurement of change along the y axis.
Measure(System::SharedPtr<Annotation>)Creates Measure object for measure annotations.
set_AngleFormat(System::SharedPtr<Measure::NumberFormatList>)A number format array for measurement of angles.
set_AreaFormat(System::SharedPtr<Measure::NumberFormatList>)A number format array for measurement of area.
set_DistanceFormat(System::SharedPtr<Measure::NumberFormatList>)A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction.
set_Origin(System::SharedPtr<Point>)Point that shall specify the origin of the measurement coordinate system in default user space coordinates.
set_ScaleRatio(System::String)A text string expressing the scale ratio of the drawing.
set_SlopeFormat(System::SharedPtr<Measure::NumberFormatList>)A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line.
set_XFormat(System::SharedPtr<Measure::NumberFormatList>)A number format array for measurement of change along the xaxis and, if Y is not present, along the y axis as well.
set_XYFactor(double)A factor that shall be used to convert the largest units along the y axis to the largest units along the x axis.
set_YFormat(System::SharedPtr<Measure::NumberFormatList>)A number format array for measurement of change along the y axis.

See Also