Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation class

MovieAnnotation class

Represents a movie annotation that contains animated graphics and sound to be presented on the computer screen and through the speakers. When the annotation is activated, the movie is played.

class MovieAnnotation : public Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation,
                        public Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::ITitledAnnotation


Accept(System::SharedPtr<AnnotationSelector>) overrideAccepts visitor object to process the annotation.
virtual ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr<Matrix>)Update parameters and appearance, according to the matrix transform.
Clone() overrideClones this instance. Virtual method. Always return null.
Flatten()Places annotation contents directly on the page, annotation object will be removed.
get_Actions()Gets list of annotatation actions.
virtual get_ActiveState()Gets current annotation appearance state.
get_Alignment()Annotation alignment. This property is obsolete. Use HorizontalAligment instead.
get_AnnotationType() overrideGets type of annotation.
get_Appearance()Gets appearance dictionary of the annotation.
get_Aspect()Gets the width and height of the movie’s bounding box, in pixels.
get_Border() constGets annotation border characteristics. Border
get_Characteristics()Gets annotation characteristics.
get_Color()Gets annotation color.
get_Contents()Gets annotation text.
get_File()Gets a file specification identifying a self-describing movie file.
get_Flags()Flags of the annotation.
get_FullName()Gets full qualified name of the annotation.
virtual get_Height()Gets height of the annotation.
get_HorizontalAlignment() overrideGets text alignment for annotation.
virtual get_Hyperlink()Gets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator).
get_IsFirstParagraphInColumn() constGets a bool value that indicates whether this paragraph will be at next column. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
get_IsInLineParagraph() constGets a paragraph is inline. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
get_IsInNewPage() constGets a bool value that force this paragraph generates at new page. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
get_IsKeptWithNext() constGets a bool value that indicates whether current paragraph remains in the same page along with next paragraph. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
get_Margin()Gets a outer margin for paragraph (for pdf generation)
get_Modified()Gets date and time when annotation was recently modified.
get_Name()Gets annotation name on the page.
virtual get_PageIndex()Gets index of page which contains annotation.
get_Poster()Gets a flag or stream specifying whether and how a poster image representing the movie shall be displayed. If true, the poster image shall be retrieved from the movie file; if it is false, no poster shall be displayed.
virtual get_Rect()Gets annotation rectangle.
get_Rotate()Gets the number of degrees by which the movie shall be rotated clockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90.
get_States()Gets appearance dictionary of annotation.
get_TextHorizontalAlignment()Gets text alignment for annotation.
get_Title() overrideGets the title of the movie annotation.
static get_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert()If true, annotation appearance will be updated before converting PF document into image. This allows convert fields correctly but probably demand more time.
static get_UseFontSubset()If this property set to true, fonts will be added to document as subsets. Default value is true.
virtual get_VerticalAlignment()Gets a vertical alignment of paragraph.
virtual get_Width()Gets width of the annotation.
get_ZIndex() constGets a int value that indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be negative. Graph with negative ZIndex will be placed behind the text in the page.
GetRectangle(bool)Returns rectangle of annotation taking into consideration page rotation.
MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr<Document>, System::String)Constructor for using with Generator.
MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Page>, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>, System::String)Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page.
virtual set_ActiveState(System::String)Sets current annotation appearance state.
set_Alignment(TextAlignment)Annotation alignment. This property is obsolete. Use HorizontalAligment instead.
set_Aspect(System::SharedPtr<Point>)Sets the width and height of the movie’s bounding box, in pixels.
set_Border(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border>)Sets annotation border characteristics. Border
set_Color(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Color>)Sets annotation color.
set_Contents(System::String)Sets annotation text.
set_File(System::SharedPtr<FileSpecification>)Sets a file specification identifying a self-describing movie file.
set_Flags(AnnotationFlags)Flags of the annotation.
virtual set_Height(double)Sets height of the annotation.
set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment) overrideSets text alignment for annotation.
virtual set_Hyperlink(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Hyperlink>)Sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator).
set_IsFirstParagraphInColumn(bool)Sets a bool value that indicates whether this paragraph will be at next column. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
set_IsInLineParagraph(bool)Sets a paragraph is inline. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
set_IsInNewPage(bool)Sets a bool value that force this paragraph generates at new page. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
set_IsKeptWithNext(bool)Sets a bool value that indicates whether current paragraph remains in the same page along with next paragraph. Default is false.(for pdf generation)
set_Margin(System::SharedPtr<MarginInfo>)Sets a outer margin for paragraph (for pdf generation)
set_Modified(System::DateTime)Sets date and time when annotation was recently modified.
set_Name(System::String)Sets annotation name on the page.
set_Poster(bool)Sets a flag or stream specifying whether and how a poster image representing the movie shall be displayed. If true, the poster image shall be retrieved from the movie file; if it is false, no poster shall be displayed.
virtual set_Rect(System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Sets annotation rectangle.
set_Rotate(int32_t)Sets the number of degrees by which the movie shall be rotated clockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90.
set_TextHorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment)Sets text alignment for annotation.
set_Title(System::String) overrideSets the title of the movie annotation.
static set_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert(bool)If true, annotation appearance will be updated before converting PF document into image. This allows convert fields correctly but probably demand more time.
static set_UseFontSubset(bool)If this property set to true, fonts will be added to document as subsets. Default value is true.
virtual set_VerticalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment)Sets a vertical alignment of paragraph.
virtual set_Width(double)Sets width of the annotation.
set_ZIndex(int32_t)Sets a int value that indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be negative. Graph with negative ZIndex will be placed behind the text in the page.

See Also