Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks method

PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Page>, PrinterMarksKind) method

Adds printer’s marks to the specified page.

static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Page> page, PrinterMarksKind marksKind)
pageSystem::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Page>The page to which the printer’s marks will be added.
marksKindPrinterMarksKindThe kind of printer’s marks to add.


This method adds various types of printer’s marks based on the provided PrinterMarksKind flags. If PrinterMarksKind::None is provided, no marks are added.

See Also

PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr<Document>, PrinterMarksKind) method

Adds printer’s marks to all pages in the specified document.

static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr<Document> document, PrinterMarksKind marksKind)
documentSystem::SharedPtr<Document>The document to which the printer’s marks will be added.
marksKindPrinterMarksKindThe kind of printer’s marks to add.


This method adds various types of printer’s marks based on the provided PrinterMarksKind flags. If PrinterMarksKind::None is provided, no marks are added.

See Also