Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction class

RenditionAction class

A rendition action that controls the playing of multimedia content.

class RenditionAction : public Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction


get_JavaScript()Gets JavaScript code associated with the action.
get_Next()Next actions in sequence.
get_Rendition()Gets rendition associated with the action.
get_RenditionOperation()The operation to perform when the action is triggered.
GetECMAScriptString()Gets string for ECMAScript Action.
set_JavaScript(System::String)Sets JavaScript code associated with the action.
set_RenditionOperation(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionOperation)The operation to perform when the action is triggered.
ToString() const overrideReturns string representation of ExplicitDestination object.

See Also