Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData class

SoundSampleData class

Represents additional entries specific to a sound object (Section 9.2 PDF1-7)

class SoundSampleData : public System::Object


get_BitsPerChannel() constGets the number of bits per sample value per channel.
get_EncodingFormat() constGets the encoding format.
get_NumberOfSoundChannels() constGets the number of sound channels.
get_SamplingRate() constGets the sampling rate.
set_BitsPerChannel(int32_t)Sets the number of bits per sample value per channel.
set_EncodingFormat(SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat)Sets the encoding format.
set_NumberOfSoundChannels(int32_t)Sets the number of sound channels.
set_SamplingRate(int64_t)Sets the sampling rate.
SoundSampleData(int64_t)Initializes new sound sample data.
SoundSampleData(int64_t, int32_t)Initializes new sound sample data.
SoundSampleData(int64_t, int32_t, int32_t)Initializes new sound sample data.
SoundSampleData(int64_t, int32_t, int32_t, SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat)Initializes new sound sample data.


static DefaultEncodingFormatDefault value for encoding format.
static DefaultOfBitsPerChannelDefault value for BitsPerchannel parameter.
static DefaultOfSoundChannelsDefault value for Channels parameter.
static DefaultSamplingRateDefault value for SamplingRate.

See Also