Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle class

TextStyle class

Class represents style of text in annotation.

class TextStyle : public System::Object


get_Alignment()Gets horizontal alignment of the text.
get_Color()Color of the text.
get_FontName()Name of the font.
get_FontSize()Fonst size.
get_HorizontalAlignment()Text alignment. Valid values are: Left, Center, Rigth.
set_Alignment(TextAlignment)Sets horizontal alignment of the text.
set_Color(System::Drawing::Color)Color of the text.
set_FontName(System::String)Name of the font.
set_FontSize(double)Fonst size.
set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment)Text alignment. Valid values are: Left, Center, Rigth.
ToString() const overrideString representation of TextStyle.

See Also