Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer class

GraphicalPdfComparer class

Represents a class for graphically comparing PDF documents. Should be used to search for small changes, mainly of a graphical nature. To compare text content changes, use other PDF comparison classes.

class GraphicalPdfComparer : public System::Object


CompareDocumentsToImages(System::SharedPtr<Document>, System::SharedPtr<Document>, System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat>)Compares documents graphically. The comparison result is placed in images.
CompareDocumentsToPdf(System::SharedPtr<Document>, System::SharedPtr<Document>, System::String)Compares documents graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document.
ComparePagesToImage(System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::String)Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a image.
ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::String)Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document.
ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::SharedPtr<Document>)Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document.
get_Color() constGets and sets the change flag color. The default color is red.
get_Resolution() constGets and sets the resolution of the resulting images. The default value is 150dpi.
get_Threshold() constGets and sets the threshold value in percentage. This value allows you to ignore small changes if they are not significant to you. The default value is 0%.
GetDifference(System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::SharedPtr<Page>)Gets differences between pages images. The result contains an image of the first page compared and an array of differences.
GraphicalPdfComparer()Creates an instance of GraphicalPdfComparer class.
set_Color(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Color>)Gets and sets the change flag color. The default color is red.
set_Resolution(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution>)Gets and sets the resolution of the resulting images. The default value is 150dpi.
set_Threshold(double)Gets and sets the threshold value in percentage. This value allows you to ignore small changes if they are not significant to you. The default value is 0%.

See Also