Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference class

ImagesDifference class

Represents the result class of comparing two PDF pages.

class ImagesDifference : public System::IDisposable


DifferenceToImage(System::SharedPtr<Color>, System::SharedPtr<Color>)Converts the difference array to a bitmap image using the specified colors.
Dispose() overridePerforms any necessary clean up operations before the object is destroyed.
get_Difference() constGets the difference array. This array is similar to the original image data array obtained as a result of the LockBits method.
get_Height() constThe height of difference.
get_SourceImage() constGets the image of first compared page. The image has a pixel format is 24bpp.
get_Stride() constThe stride of difference image data.
GetDestinationImage()Returns a new bitmap representing the destination image by applying the difference array to the source image.

See Also