Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle class

OutputTextStyle class

Represents a style set class for marking text changes.

class OutputTextStyle : public System::Object


get_DeletedStyle() constGet and set a text style for deleted text.
get_EqualStyle() constGet and set a text style for non changed text.
get_InsertedStyle() constGet and set a text style for inserted text.
get_StrikethroughDeleted() constGet or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False.
set_DeletedStyle(System::SharedPtr<TextStyle>)Get and set a text style for deleted text.
set_EqualStyle(System::SharedPtr<TextStyle>)Get and set a text style for non changed text.
set_InsertedStyle(System::SharedPtr<TextStyle>)Get and set a text style for inserted text.
set_StrikethroughDeleted(bool)Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False.

See Also