Aspose::Pdf::DataEditor::DictionaryEditor::Remove method

DictionaryEditor::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair<System::String, System::SharedPtr<ICosPdfPrimitive>>&) method

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the DictionaryEditor.

bool Aspose::Pdf::DataEditor::DictionaryEditor::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair<System::String, System::SharedPtr<ICosPdfPrimitive>> &item) override
itemconst System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair<System::String, System::SharedPtr<ICosPdfPrimitive>>&The object to remove from the DictionaryEditor.


true if item was successfully removed from the DictionaryEditor; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item is not found in the original DictionaryEditor.

See Also

DictionaryEditor::Remove(const System::String&) method

Removes the element with the specified key from the DictionaryEditor.

bool Aspose::Pdf::DataEditor::DictionaryEditor::Remove(const System::String &key) override
keyconst System::String&The key of the element to remove.


True if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if key was not found in the original dictionary or key the key is not editable

See Also