Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice class

TextDevice class

Represents class for converting pdf document pages into text.

class TextDevice : public Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice


get_Encoding() constGets encoding of extracted text.
get_ExtractionOptions() constGets text extraction options.
Process(System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>) overrideConvert page and save it as text stream.
Process(System::SharedPtr<Page>, System::String)Perfoms some operation on the given page and saves results into the file.
set_Encoding(System::SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding>)Sets encoding of extracted text.
set_ExtractionOptions(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextExtractionOptions>)Sets text extraction options.
TextDevice(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextExtractionOptions>)Initializes a new instance of the TextDevice with text extraction options.
TextDevice()Initializes a new instance of the TextDevice with the Raw text formatting mode and Unicode text encoding.
TextDevice(System::SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding>)Initializes a new instance of the TextDevice for the specified encoding.
TextDevice(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextExtractionOptions>, System::SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding>)Initializes a new instance of the TextDevice for the specified encoding with text extraction options.


The TextDevice object is basically used to extract text from pdf page.

See Also