Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line class

Line class

Represents line.

class Line : public Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape


get_GraphInfo() constGets a GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc.
get_PositionArray() constGets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line. directly.
get_Text() constGets a text for shape.
Line(System::ArrayPtr<float>)Initializes a new instance of the Line class.
set_GraphInfo(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::GraphInfo>)Sets a GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc.
set_PositionArray(System::ArrayPtr<float>)Sets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line. directly.
set_Text(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextFragment>)Sets a text for shape.

See Also