Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::HasPartialMatch method

ICMapCodeSpaceRange::HasPartialMatch method

Detects is the passed raw code represented in byte array form has a partial match with CMap’s codespace ranges - partial match means that first element(s) in array is in range(s) but all the raw code bytes are not fully in any range.

virtual bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::HasPartialMatch(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t> values, int32_t size)=0
valuesSystem::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>raw code in a byte array form
sizeint32_tcount of bytes in byte array




values raw code in a byte array form size count of bytes in byte array ## See Also