Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege class

DocumentPrivilege class

Represents the privileges for accessing Pdf file. Refer toPdfFileSecurity. There are 4 ways using this class: 1.Using predefined privilege directly. 2.Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical permissions. 3.Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical Adobe Professional permissions combination. 4.Mixes the way2 and way3.

class DocumentPrivilege : public System::IComparable<System::SharedPtr<System::Object>>


CompareTo(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideCompares two DocumentPrivilege objects.
static get_AllowAll()All allowed.
get_AllowAssembly()Sets the permission which allow assembly or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
get_AllowCopy()Sets the permission which allow copy or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
get_AllowDegradedPrinting()Sets the permission which allow degraded printing or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
get_AllowFillIn()Sets the permission which allow fill in forms or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
get_AllowModifyAnnotations()Sets the permission which allow modify annotations or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
get_AllowModifyContents()Sets the permission which allow modify contents or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
get_AllowPrint()Sets the permission which allow print or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
get_AllowScreenReaders()Sets the permission which allow screen readers or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
static get_Assembly()Allows assemblying file.
static get_Copy()Allows copying file.
static get_DegradedPrinting()Allows degraded printing.
static get_FillIn()Allows filling forms in file.
static get_ForbidAll()All Forbidded.
static get_ModifyAnnotations()Allows modifying annotations of file.
static get_ModifyContents()Allows modifying file.
static get_Print()Allows printing file.
static get_ScreenReaders()Allows to reader on screen only.
set_AllowAssembly(bool)Sets the permission which allow assembly or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_AllowCopy(bool)Sets the permission which allow copy or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_AllowDegradedPrinting(bool)Sets the permission which allow degraded printing or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_AllowFillIn(bool)Sets the permission which allow fill in forms or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_AllowModifyAnnotations(bool)Sets the permission which allow modify annotations or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_AllowModifyContents(bool)Sets the permission which allow modify contents or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_AllowPrint(bool)Sets the permission which allow print or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_AllowScreenReaders(bool)Sets the permission which allow screen readers or not. true is allow and false is forbidden.
set_ChangeAllowLevel(int32_t)Sets the change level of document’s privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional’s Changes Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Inserting, Deleting and Rotating pages. 2: Filling in form fields and signing existing signature fields. 3: Commenting, filling in form fields, and signing existing signature fields. 4: Any except extracting pages.
set_CopyAllowLevel(int32_t)Sets the copy level of document’s privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional’s permission settings. 0: None. 1: Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired. 2: Enable copying of text, images and other content.
set_PrintAllowLevel(int32_t)Sets the print level of document’s privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional’s Printing Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Low Resolution (150 dpi). 2: High Resolution.

See Also