Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn method

FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn method

Add submit button on the form.

void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn(System::String fieldName, int32_t page, System::String label, System::String url, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury)
fieldNameSystem::StringName of new button.
pageint32_tPage where button will be placed.
labelSystem::StringButton caption.
urlSystem::StringURL of the submit button.
llxfloatAbscissa of the lower-left corner.
llyfloatOrdinate of the lower-left corner.
urxfloatAbscissa of the upper-right corner.
uryfloatOrdinate of the upper-right corner.

See Also