Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade class

FormFieldFacade class

Class for representing field properties.

class FormFieldFacade : public System::Object


get_Alignment() constThe alignment of a field text, default is left alignment.
get_BackgroundColor() constThe color of a field background, default is white.
get_BorderColor() constThe color of a field border.
get_BorderStyle() constThe style of a field border.
get_BorderWidth() constThe width of a field border.
get_Box() constA rectangle object holding field’s location.
get_ButtonStyle() constThe style of check box or radio box field, defined by FormFieldFacade.CheckBoxStyle*.
get_Caption() constThe normal caption of form field.
get_CustomFont() constGets name of the font when this is non-standart (other then 14 standard fonts).
get_ExportItems() constThe options for adding a list/combo/radio box.
get_Font() constThe font type of a field text.
get_FontSize() constThe size of a field text.
get_Items() constAn array of string, each representing an option of a combo box/list/radio box field.
get_PageNumber() constAn integer value holding the number of page on which field locates.
get_Position() constA rectangle object holding field’s location.
get_Rotation() constThe rotation of a field text.
get_TextColor() constThe color of the field text.
get_TextEncoding() constThe text encoding type of the field text.
Reset()Reset all visual attribtues to empty value.
set_Alignment(int32_t)The alignment of a field text, default is left alignment.
set_BackgroundColor(System::Drawing::Color)The color of a field background, default is white.
set_BorderColor(System::Drawing::Color)The color of a field border.
set_BorderStyle(int32_t)The style of a field border.
set_BorderWidth(float)The width of a field border.
set_Box(System::Drawing::Rectangle)A rectangle object holding field’s location.
set_ButtonStyle(int32_t)The style of check box or radio box field, defined by FormFieldFacade.CheckBoxStyle*.
set_Caption(System::String)The normal caption of form field.
set_CustomFont(System::String)Sets name of the font when this is non-standart (other then 14 standard fonts).
set_ExportItems(System::ArrayPtr<System::ArrayPtr<System::String>>)The options for adding a list/combo/radio box.
set_Font(FontStyle)The font type of a field text.
set_FontSize(float)The size of a field text.
set_Items(System::ArrayPtr<System::String>)An array of string, each representing an option of a combo box/list/radio box field.
set_PageNumber(int32_t)An integer value holding the number of page on which field locates.
set_Position(System::ArrayPtr<float>)A rectangle object holding field’s location.
set_Rotation(int32_t)The rotation of a field text.
set_TextColor(System::Drawing::Color)The color of the field text.
set_TextEncoding(EncodingType)The text encoding type of the field text.


static constexpr AlignBottomDefines vertical aglignment as bottom style.
static constexpr AlignCenterDefines aglignment to center style.
static constexpr AlignJustifiedDefines text justification alignment style.
static constexpr AlignLeftDefines aglignment to left style.
static constexpr AlignMiddleDefines vertical aglignment as middle style.
static constexpr AlignRightDefines aglignment to right style.
static constexpr AlignTopDefines vertical aglignment as top style.
static constexpr AlignUndefinedUndefined aglignment style.
static constexpr BorderStyleBeveledDefines a beveled border style.
static constexpr BorderStyleDashedDefines a dashed border style.
static constexpr BorderStyleInsetDefines an inseted border style.
static constexpr BorderStyleSolidDefines a solid border style.
static constexpr BorderStyleUndefinedUndefined border style.
static constexpr BorderStyleUnderlineDefines an underlined border style.
static constexpr BorderWidthMediumDefines a medium border width.
static constexpr BorderWidthThickDefines a thick border width.
static constexpr BorderWidthThinDefines a thin border width.
static constexpr BorderWidthUndefinedUndefined border width.
static constexpr CheckBoxStyleCheckDefines the shape of a check box field when it checked.
static constexpr CheckBoxStyleCircleDefines a circle check box style.
static constexpr CheckBoxStyleCrossDefines a cross check box style.
static constexpr CheckBoxStyleDiamondDefines a diamond check box style.
static constexpr CheckBoxStyleSquareDefines a square check box style.
static constexpr CheckBoxStyleStarDefines a star check box style.
static constexpr CheckBoxStyleUndefinedDefines an undefined check box style.

See Also