Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmarksAction method

PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmarksAction method

Creates a bookmark with the specified action.

void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmarksAction(System::String title, System::Drawing::Color color, bool boldFlag, bool italicFlag, System::String file, System::String actionType, System::String destination)
titleSystem::StringThe title of the bookmark.
colorSystem::Drawing::ColorThe colour of the bookmark’s title.
boldFlagboolThe flag of bold attribution.
italicFlagboolThe flag of italic attribution.
fileSystem::StringAnother file or application required when the action type is “GoToR” or “Launch”.
actionTypeSystem::StringThe action type. The value can be: “GoToR”, “Launch”, “GoTo”, “URI”.
destinationSystem::StringThe local destination or remote destination or URL.

See Also