Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLine method

PdfContentEditor::CreateLine method

Creates line annotation.

void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLine(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int32_t page, int32_t border, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::String borderStyle, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t> dashArray, System::ArrayPtr<System::String> LEArray)
rectSystem::Drawing::RectangleThe annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page.
contentsSystem::StringThe contents of the annotation.
x1floatThe starting horizontal coordinate of the line.
y1floatThe starting vertical coordinate of the line.
x2floatThe ending horizontal coordinate of the line.
y2floatThe ending vertical coordinate of the line.
pageint32_tThe number of original page where the annotation will be created.
borderint32_tThe border width in points. If this value is 0 no border is drawn. Default value is 1.
clrSystem::Drawing::ColorThe color of line.
borderStyleSystem::StringThe border style specifying the width and dash pattern to be used in drawing the line. This value can be: “S” (Solid), “D” (Dashed), “B” (Beveled), “I” (Inset), “U” (Underline).
dashArraySystem::ArrayPtr<int32_t>A dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps to be used in drawing a dashed border. If it is used, borderSyle must be accordingly set to “D”.
LEArraySystem::ArrayPtr<System::String>An array of two values respectively specifying the beginning and ending style of the drawing line. The values can be: “Square”, “Circle”, “Diamond”, “OpenArrow”, “ClosedArrow”, “None”, “Butt”, “ROpenArrow”, “RClosedArrow”, “Slash”.

See Also