Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById method

PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t, int32_t) method

Deletes stamp on the specified page by stamp ID.

void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId)
pageNumberint32_tPage number where stamp will be deleted.
stampIdint32_tIdentifier of stanp which should be deleted.

See Also

PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t) method

Delete stamp by ID from all pages of the document.

void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t stampId)
stampIdint32_tIdentifier of stamp which should be deleted.

See Also