Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeParameters class

ContentsResizeParameters class

Class for specifing page resize parameters. Allow to set the following parameters: Size of result page (width, height) in default space units or in percents of initial pages size; Left, Top, Bottom and Right margins in default space units or in percents of initial page size; Some values may be left null for automatic calculation. These values will be calculated from rest of page size after calculation explicitly specified values. For example: if page width = 100 and new page width specified 60 units then left and right margins are automatically calculated: (100 - 60) / 2 = 15. This class is used in ResizeContents method.

class ContentsResizeParameters : public System::Object


static ContentSize(double, double)Creates resize parameters with specified contents size.
static ContentSizePercent(double, double)Creates resize parameters with specified contents size in percents of initial page size. Margins are caculated automatically.
ContentsResizeParameters()Creates resize parameters where al values are set to “auto”. Later margins and contents size may be specified if required.
ContentsResizeParameters(System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>, System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>, System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>, System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>, System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>, System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>)Creates resize parameters with specified margin values and contents size.
get_BottomMargin() constGets bottom margin on the resultant page.
get_ContentsHeight() constGets height of the content of the source page on the resultant page.
get_ContentsWidth() constGets width of the content of the source page on the resultant page.
get_LeftMargin() constGets left margin on the resultant page.
get_RightMargin() constGets right margin on the resultant page.
get_TopMargin() constGets top margin on the resultant page.
static Margins(double, double, double, double)Creates resize parameters with specifed margins value. Contents size is automatically calculated.
static MarginsPercent(double, double, double, double)Creates resize parameters. Margins are specified in percents of initial page size.
static PageResize(double, double)Creates resize paramters for page resize.
static PageResizePct(double, double)Creates resize paramters for page resize. New sizes are specified in percent.
set_BottomMargin(System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>)Sets bottom margin on the resultant page.
set_ContentsHeight(System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>)Sets height of the content of the source page on the resultant page.
set_ContentsWidth(System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>)Sets width of the content of the source page on the resultant page.
set_LeftMargin(System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>)Sets left margin on the resultant page.
set_RightMargin(System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>)Sets right margin on the resultant page.
set_TopMargin(System::SharedPtr<PdfFileEditor::ContentsResizeValue>)Sets top margin on the resultant page.

See Also