Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage method

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method

Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> imageStream, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY)
imageStreamSystem::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>Input image stream.
pageNumint32_tThe number of page that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, int32_t, float, float, float, float, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>) method

Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> imageStream, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters> compositingParameters)
imageStreamSystem::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>Input image stream.
pageNumint32_tThe number of page that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.
compositingParametersSystem::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>The graphics compositing parameters for the image.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>, float, float, float, float) method

Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> imageStream, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t> pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY)
imageStreamSystem::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>Input image stream.
pageNumsSystem::ArrayPtr<int32_t>The numbers of pages that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>, float, float, float, float, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>) method

Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> imageStream, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t> pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters> compositingParameters)
imageStreamSystem::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>Input image stream.
pageNumsSystem::ArrayPtr<int32_t>The numbers of pages that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.
compositingParametersSystem::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>The graphics compositing parameters for the images.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method

Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY)
imageNameSystem::StringThe path of input image file.
pageNumint32_tThe number of page that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String, int32_t, float, float, float, float, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>) method

Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters> compositingParameters)
imageNameSystem::StringThe path of input image file.
pageNumint32_tThe number of page that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.
compositingParametersSystem::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>The graphics compositing parameters for the images.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>, float, float, float, float) method

Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t> pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY)
imageNameSystem::StringThe path of input image file.
pageNumsSystem::ArrayPtr<int32_t>The numbers of pages that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also

PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>, float, float, float, float, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>) method

Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, System::ArrayPtr<int32_t> pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters> compositingParameters)
imageNameSystem::StringThe path of input image file.
pageNumsSystem::ArrayPtr<int32_t>The numbers of pages that will receive the image.
lowerLeftXfloatThe lower left x of image rectangle.
lowerLeftYfloatThe lower left y of image rectangle.
upperRightXfloatThe upper right x of image rectangle.
upperRightYfloatThe upper right y of image rectangle.
compositingParametersSystem::SharedPtr<CompositingParameters>The graphics compositing parameters for the images.


True if success false otherwise.

See Also