Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization class

PdfFileSanitization class

Represents sanitization and recovery API. Use it if you can’t create/open documents in any other way.

class PdfFileSanitization : public Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade,
                            public Aspose::Pdf::Sanitization::IRecovery


BindPdf(System::String) overrideBinds a Pdf file for Sanitize.
BindPdf(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>) overrideBinds a Pdf stream for Sanitize.
BindPdf(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Document>) overrideInitializes the facade.
virtual BindPdf(System::SharedPtr<Document>)Binds PDF document for editing.
Close() overrideCloses the facade.
Dispose() overrideDisposes the facade.
get_Document() constGets the document facade is working on.
get_Log() overrideAfter file has Saved you can check what was done with file.
get_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer() constAllows to generate new xref and trailer for document.
get_UseTrimBottom() constAllows to remove data after pdf data.
get_UseTrimTop() constAllows to remove data before pdf data.
PdfFileSanitization()Initializes a new instance.
RebuildXrefAndTrailer()Removes old xref with trailer and creates a new xref with trailer.
Recover() overrideRecovers document. Use properties to customize.
Save(System::String) overrideSaves the result PDF to file.
Save(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>) overrideSaves the result PDF to stream.
set_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer(bool)Allows to generate new xref and trailer for document.
set_UseTrimBottom(bool)Allows to remove data after pdf data.
set_UseTrimTop(bool)Allows to remove data before pdf data.
TrimBottom() overrideRemoves data after last %EOF.
TrimTop() overrideRemoves data before PDF.

See Also