Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile method

PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile method

Encrypts Pdf file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document’s privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. Does not throw an exception if process failed.

bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr<DocumentPrivilege> privilege, KeySize keySize)
userPasswordSystem::StringUser password.
ownerPasswordSystem::StringOwner password.
privilegeSystem::SharedPtr<DocumentPrivilege>Set privilege.
keySizeKeySizeKeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption.


True for success, or false.

See Also