Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor class

PdfPageEditor class

Represents a class to edit the PDF file’s page, including rotating page, zooming page, moving position and changing page size.

class PdfPageEditor : public Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade


ApplyChanges()Apply changes made to the document pages.
get_DisplayDuration()Gets display duration for pages.
get_HorizontalAlignment()Gets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left.
get_PageRotations()A hashtable contains the page number and rotation degree, the key represents the page number, the value of key represents the rotation in degrees.
get_PageSize()Gets the output file’s page size.
get_ProcessPages()Gets the page numbers to be edited. By default, each page would be edited.
get_Rotation()Gets the rotation of the pages, the rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270. Default value is 0.
get_TransitionDuration()Gets duration of the transition effect.
get_TransitionType()Gets transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation.
get_VerticalAlignmentType()Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom.
get_Zoom()Get or sets zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Default value is 1.0.
GetPageBoxSize(int32_t, System::String)Returns size of specified box in document.
GetPageRotation(int32_t)Returns the rotation of specified page.
GetPages()Returns total number of pages.
GetPageSize(int32_t)Returns the page size of the specified page.
MovePosition(float, float)Moves the origin from (0, 0) to the point that appointted. The origin is left-bottom and the unit is point(1 inch = 72 points).
PdfPageEditor()Constructor for PdfPageEditor class.
PdfPageEditor(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Document>)Constructor for PdfPageEditor class.
Save(System::String) overrideSaves changed document into file.
Save(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>) overrideSaves changed document into stream.
set_DisplayDuration(int32_t)Sets display duration for pages.
set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment)Sets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left.
set_PageRotations(System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<int32_t, int32_t>>)A hashtable contains the page number and rotation degree, the key represents the page number, the value of key represents the rotation in degrees.
set_PageSize(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::PageSize>)Sets the output file’s page size.
set_ProcessPages(System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>)Sets the page numbers to be edited. By default, each page would be edited.
set_Rotation(int32_t)Sets the rotation of the pages, the rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270. Default value is 0.
set_TransitionDuration(int32_t)Sets duration of the transition effect.
set_TransitionType(int32_t)Sets transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation.
set_VerticalAlignmentType(Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment)Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom.
set_Zoom(float)Get or sets zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Default value is 1.0.


static constexpr BLINDHVertical Blinds.
static constexpr BLINDVVertical Blinds.
static constexpr BTWIPEBottom-Top Wipe.
static constexpr DGLITTERDiagonal Glitter.
static constexpr DISSOLVEThe old page dissolves.
static constexpr INBOXInward Box.
static constexpr LRGLITTERLeft-Right Glitter.
static constexpr LRWIPELeft-Right Wipe.
static constexpr OUTBOXOutward Box.
static constexpr RLWIPERight-Left Wipe.
static constexpr SPLITHININ Horizontal Split.
static constexpr SPLITHOUTOut Horizontal Split.
static constexpr SPLITVINIn Vertical Split.
static constexpr SPLITVOUTOut Vertical Split.
static constexpr TBGLITTERTop-Bottom Glitter.
static constexpr TBWIPETop-Bottom Wipe.

See Also