Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp class

Stamp class

Class represeting stamp.

class Stamp : public System::Object


BindImage(System::String)Sets image as a stamp.
BindImage(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>)Sets image which will be used as stamp.
BindLogo(System::SharedPtr<FormattedText>)Sets text as stamp.
BindPdf(System::String, int32_t)Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp.
BindPdf(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, int32_t)Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp.
BindTextState(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextState>)Sets text state of stamp text.
get_BlendingSpace() constGets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page.
get_IsBackground() constGets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page. By default is set to false.
get_Opacity()Gets opacity of the stamp.
get_PageNumber() constGets page number.
get_Pages() constGets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp. If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected.
get_Quality() constGets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100%.
get_Rotation() constGets rotation of the stamp in degrees.
get_StampId() constGets identifier of stamp.
set_BlendingSpace(BlendingColorSpace)Sets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page.
set_IsBackground(bool)Sets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page. By default is set to false.
set_Opacity(float)Sets opacity of the stamp.
set_PageNumber(int32_t)Sets page number.
set_Pages(System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>)Sets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp. If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected.
set_Quality(int32_t)Sets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100%.
set_Rotation(float)Sets rotation of the stamp in degrees.
set_StampId(int32_t)Sets identifier of stamp.
SetImageSize(float, float)Sets size of image stamp. Image will be scaled according to the specified values.
SetOrigin(float, float)Sets position on page where stamp will be placed.
Stamp()Constructor for Stamp object.

See Also