Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption method

CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String) method

Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time. The new checkbox is added to the bottom of the group.

void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName)
optionNameSystem::StringValue of the option represented by added checkbox.

See Also

CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>) method

Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time.

void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName, int32_t page, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle> rect)
optionNameSystem::StringValue of the option represented by added checkbox.
pageint32_tNumber of the page where the added checkbox should be placed.
rectSystem::SharedPtr<Rectangle>Rectangle of the added checkbox on the page.

See Also

CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>) method

Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time.

void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle> rect)
optionNameSystem::StringValue of the option represented by added checkbox.
rectSystem::SharedPtr<Rectangle>Rectangle of the added checkbox.

See Also