Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add method

Form::Add(const System::SharedPtr<Field>&) method

Adds field on the form.

void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(const System::SharedPtr<Field> &field)
fieldconst System::SharedPtr<Field>&Field which must be added.

See Also

Form::Add(System::SharedPtr<Field>, int32_t) method

Adds field on the form.

void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(System::SharedPtr<Field> field, int32_t pageNumber)
fieldSystem::SharedPtr<Field>Field which must be added.
pageNumberint32_tPage index where added field will be placed.

See Also

Form::Add(System::SharedPtr<Field>, System::String, int32_t) method

Adds new field to the form; If this field is already placed on other or this form, the copy of field is created.

System::SharedPtr<Field> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(System::SharedPtr<Field> field, System::String partialName, int32_t pageNumber)
fieldSystem::SharedPtr<Field>Field name.
partialNameSystem::StringName of field on the form.
pageNumberint32_tPage number where field will be added.


Added field returned. If copy of the field was created it will be returned.

See Also