Aspose::Pdf::Forms::XFA class

XFA class

Represents XML form regarding XML Forms Architecture (XFA).

class XFA : public System::Object


get_Config()XFA Config component of an XFA form.
get_Datasets()XFA Datasets component of an XFA form.
get_FieldNames()List of field names in the form template.
get_Form()XFAForm Component of an XFA form.
get_NamespaceManager()Gets the namespace for the XFA form. The following namepsaces are defined: “data” for form data and “tpl” for form template.
get_Template()XFA Template component of an XFA form.
get_XDP()XML Data Package (all XFA form components within a surrounding XML container).
GetFieldTemplate(System::String)Returns XML node of XFA field tempalte.
GetFieldTemplates()Returns list of all field templates on XFA form.
idx_get(System::String)Gets of sets data node value according path .
idx_set(System::String, System::String)Gets of sets data node value according path .
SetFieldImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>)Sets image for XFA field.

See Also