Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::AttributeKey class

AttributeKey class

Represents Standard Attribute Keys.

class AttributeKey : public System::Object


get_Key() constGet Attribute Key.
get_Owner() constGet Attribute Owner.
static to_AttributeKey(System::String)
ToString() const overrideReturns a string that represents the current object.


static BackgroundColorBackgroundColor attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static BaselineShiftBaselineShift attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static BBoxBBox attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static BlockAlignBlockAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static BorderColorBorderColor attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static BorderStyleBorderStyle attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static BorderThicknessBorderThickness attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static CheckedChecked attribute (PrintField attribute owner).
static ColorColor attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static ColSpanColSpan attribute (Table attribute owner).
static ColumnCountColumnCount attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static ColumnGapColumnGap attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static ColumnWidthsColumnWidths attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static DescDesc attribute (PrintField attribute owner).
static EndIndentEndIndent attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static GlyphOrientationVerticalGlyphOrientationVertical attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static HeadersHeaders attribute (Table attribute owner).
static HeightHeight attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static InlineAlignInlineAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static LineHeightLineHeight attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static ListNumberingListNumbering attribute (List attribute owner).
static PaddingPadding attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static PlacementPlacement attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static RoleRole attribute (PrintField attribute owner).
static RowSpanRowSpan attribute (Table attribute owner).
static RubyAlignRubyAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static RubyPositionRubyPosition attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static ScopeScope attribute (Table attribute owner).
static SpaceAfterSpaceAfter attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static SpaceBeforeSpaceBefore attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static StartIndentStartIndent attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static SummarySummary attribute (Table attribute owner).
static TBorderStyleTBorderStyle attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static TextAlignTextAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static TextDecorationColorTextDecorationColor attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static TextDecorationThicknessTextDecorationThickness attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static TextDecorationTypeTextDecorationType attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static TextIndentTextIndent attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static TPaddingTPadding attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static WidthWidth attribute (Layout attribute owner).
static WritingModeWritingMode attribute (Layout attribute owner).

See Also