Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::AttributeOwnerStandard class

AttributeOwnerStandard class

Represents Standard Attribute Owners.

class AttributeOwnerStandard : public System::Object


static Css_100()CSS-1.00 attribute owner.
static Css_200()CSS-2.00 attribute owner.
get_Owner() constGet Attribute Owner.
static Html_320()HTML-3.20 attribute owner.
static Html_401()HTML-4.01 attribute owner.
static Layout()Layout attribute owner.
static List()List attribute owner.
static Oeb_100()OEB-1.00 attribute owner.
static PrintField()PrintField attribute owner.
static Rtf_105()RTF-1.05 attribute owner.
static Table()Table attribute owner.
static to_AttributeOwnerStandard(System::String)
ToString() const overrideReturns a string that represents the current object.
static Xml_100()XML-1.0.0 attribute owner.

See Also