Aspose::Pdf::LogicalStructure::StructureTextState class

StructureTextState class

Represents text state settings for TextStructure Elements and TaggedContent (ITextElement, ITaggedContent)

class StructureTextState : public System::Object


get_BackgroundColor() constGets background color of the text.
get_CharacterSpacing() constGets character spacing of the text.
get_Font() constGets the font of text.
get_FontSize() constGets font size of the text.
get_FontStyle() constGets font style of the text.
get_ForegroundColor() constGets foreground color of the text.
get_HorizontalScaling() constGets horizontal scaling of the text.
get_LineSpacing() constGets line spacing of the text.
get_MarginInfo() constGets margin for block structure element.
get_StrikeOut() constGets strikeout for the text.
get_Subscript() constGets subscript of the text.
get_Superscript() constGets superscript of the text.
get_Underline() constGets underline for the text.
get_WordSpacing() constGets word spacing of the text.
set_BackgroundColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>)Sets background color of the text.
set_CharacterSpacing(System::Nullable<float>)Sets character spacing of the text.
set_Font(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::Font>)Sets the font of text.
set_FontSize(System::Nullable<float>)Sets font size of the text.
set_FontStyle(System::Nullable<Aspose::Pdf::Text::FontStyles>)Sets font style of the text.
set_ForegroundColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>)Sets foreground color of the text.
set_HorizontalScaling(System::Nullable<float>)Sets horizontal scaling of the text.
set_LineSpacing(System::Nullable<float>)Sets line spacing of the text.
set_MarginInfo(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::MarginInfo>)Sets margin for block structure element.
set_StrikeOut(System::Nullable<bool>)Sets strikeout for the text.
set_Subscript(System::Nullable<bool>)Sets subscript of the text.
set_Superscript(System::Nullable<bool>)Sets superscript of the text.
set_Underline(System::Nullable<bool>)Sets underline for the text.
set_WordSpacing(System::Nullable<float>)Sets word spacing of the text.

See Also