Aspose::Pdf::Operators::BMC class

BMC class

Class representing BMC operator (Begin marked-content sequence).

class BMC : public Aspose::Pdf::Operator


Accept(System::SharedPtr<IOperatorSelector>) overrideAccepts visitor object to process operator.
BMC(System::String)Initializes operator.
get_Index()Operator index in page operators list.
get_Tag() constGets marked content tag.
static IsTextShowOperator(System::SharedPtr<Operator>)Determines if the operator is operator which responsible for text output (Tj, TJ, etc)
set_Index(int32_t)Operator index in page operators list.
set_Tag(System::String)Sets marked content tag.
ToString() const overrideReturns text representation of operator.
ValueEquals(System::SharedPtr<Operator>)Compares this instance with the given object.

See Also