Aspose::Pdf::Text::TabStop class

TabStop class

Represents a custom Tab stop position in a paragraph.

class TabStop : public System::Object


get_AlignmentType() constGets a AlignmentType enum that indicates the tab tab alignment type.
get_IsReadOnly() constGets value indicating that this TabStop instance is already attached to TextFragment and became readonly.
get_LeaderType() constGets a TabLeaderType enum that indicates the tab leader type.
get_Position() constGets a float value that indicates the tab stop position.
set_AlignmentType(TabAlignmentType)Sets a AlignmentType enum that indicates the tab tab alignment type.
set_LeaderType(TabLeaderType)Sets a TabLeaderType enum that indicates the tab leader type.
set_Position(float)Sets a float value that indicates the tab stop position.
TabStop()Initializes a new instance of the TabStop class.
TabStop(float)Initializes a new instance of the TabStop class with specified position.

See Also