Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextAbsorber class

TextAbsorber class

Represents an absorber object of a text. Performs text extraction and provides access to the result via TextAbsorber::Text object.

class TextAbsorber : public System::Object


get_Errors() constList of TextExtractionError objects. It contain information about errors were found during text extraction. Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance.
virtual get_ExtractionOptions()Gets text extraction options.
get_HasErrors() constValue indicates whether errors were found during text extraction. Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance.
virtual get_Text()Gets extracted text that the TextAbsorber extracts on the PDF document or page.
virtual get_TextSearchOptions()Gets text search options.
virtual set_ExtractionOptions(System::SharedPtr<TextExtractionOptions>)Sets text extraction options.
virtual set_TextSearchOptions(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextSearchOptions>)Sets text search options.
TextAbsorber()Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber.
TextAbsorber(System::SharedPtr<TextExtractionOptions>)Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber with extraction options.
TextAbsorber(System::SharedPtr<TextExtractionOptions>, System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextSearchOptions>)Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber with extraction and text search options.
TextAbsorber(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextSearchOptions>)Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber with text search options.
virtual Visit(System::SharedPtr<Page>)Extracts text on the specified page.
virtual Visit(System::SharedPtr<XForm>)Extracts text on the specified XForm.
virtual Visit(System::SharedPtr<Document>)Extracts text on the specified document.


The TextAbsorber object is used to extract text from a Pdf document or the document’s page.

See Also