Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextFragmentAbsorber::ApplyForAllFragments method

TextFragmentAbsorber::ApplyForAllFragments(float) method

Applies font size for all text fragments that were absorbed. It works faster than looping through the fragments if all fragments on the page(s) were absorbed. Otherwise it works similar with looping.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextFragmentAbsorber::ApplyForAllFragments(float fontSize)
fontSizefloatFont size of the text.

See Also

TextFragmentAbsorber::ApplyForAllFragments(System::SharedPtr<Font>) method

Applies font for all text fragments that were absorbed. It works faster than looping through the fragments if all fragments on the page(s) were absorbed. Otherwise it works similar with looping.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextFragmentAbsorber::ApplyForAllFragments(System::SharedPtr<Font> font)
fontSystem::SharedPtr<Font>Fontof the text.

See Also

TextFragmentAbsorber::ApplyForAllFragments(System::SharedPtr<Font>, float) method

Applies font and size for all text fragments that were absorbed. It works faster than looping through the fragments if all fragments on the page(s) were absorbed. Otherwise it works similar with looping.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextFragmentAbsorber::ApplyForAllFragments(System::SharedPtr<Font> font, float fontSize)
fontSystem::SharedPtr<Font>Fontof the text.
fontSizefloatFont size of the text.

See Also