Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine method

TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::SharedPtr<TextFragment>) method

Appends text line with text state parameters.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::SharedPtr<TextFragment> line)
lineSystem::SharedPtr<TextFragment>The new line’s text.

See Also

TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::SharedPtr<TextFragment>, System::SharedPtr<TextState>) method

Appends text line with text state parameters.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::SharedPtr<TextFragment> line, System::SharedPtr<TextState> textState)
lineSystem::SharedPtr<TextFragment>The new line’s text.
textStateSystem::SharedPtr<TextState>Text state of the new line.

See Also

TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::SharedPtr<TextFragment>, System::SharedPtr<TextState>, float) method

Appends text line with text state parameters.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::SharedPtr<TextFragment> line, System::SharedPtr<TextState> textState, float lineSpacing)
lineSystem::SharedPtr<TextFragment>The new line’s text.
textStateSystem::SharedPtr<TextState>Text state of the new line.
lineSpacingfloatAdditional spacing (0.0 is default and corresponds to default text line height). The spacing value is added to default line spacing for the particular line, so you may specify 12.0 to get empty row AFTER a text line drawn with 12pt font.

See Also

TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String) method

Appends text line.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String line)
lineSystem::StringThe new line’s text.

See Also

TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String, float) method

Appends text line.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String line, float lineSpacing)
lineSystem::StringThe new line’s text.
lineSpacingfloatAdditional spacing (0.0 is default and corresponds to default text line height). The spacing value is added to default line spacing for the particular line, so you may specify 12.0 to get empty row AFTER a text line drawn with 12pt font.

See Also

TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String, System::SharedPtr<TextState>) method

Appends text line with text state parameters.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String line, System::SharedPtr<TextState> textState)
lineSystem::StringThe new line’s text.
textStateSystem::SharedPtr<TextState>Text state of the new line.

See Also

TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String, System::SharedPtr<TextState>, float) method

Appends text line with text state parameters.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextParagraph::AppendLine(System::String line, System::SharedPtr<TextState> textState, float lineSpacing)
lineSystem::StringThe new line’s text.
textStateSystem::SharedPtr<TextState>Text state of the new line.
lineSpacingfloatAdditional spacing (0.0 is default and corresponds to default text line height). The spacing value is added to default line spacing for the particular line, so you may specify 12.0 to get empty row AFTER a text line drawn with 12pt font.

See Also