Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextReplaceOptions class

TextReplaceOptions class

Represents text replace options.

class TextReplaceOptions : public Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextOptions


get_AdjustmentNewLineSpacing() constGets value of line spacing that used if replace adjustment is forced to create new line of text. The value expected is multiplier of font size of the replaced text. Default is 1.2.
get_IgnoreParagraphs() constGets a value indicating whether to ignore distinct paragraphs when adjusting text on the page after text replacement.
get_LeftAdjustment() constSets or gets left position adjustment for replaced text when using TextReplaceOptions:
get_ReplaceAdjustmentAction() constGets an action that will be done after replace of text fragment to more short.
get_ReplaceScope() constGets a scope where replace text operation is applied.
get_RightAdjustment() constSets or gets right position adjustment for replaced text when using TextReplaceOptions:
set_AdjustmentNewLineSpacing(double)Sets value of line spacing that used if replace adjustment is forced to create new line of text. The value expected is multiplier of font size of the replaced text. Default is 1.2.
set_IgnoreParagraphs(bool)Sets a value indicating whether to ignore distinct paragraphs when adjusting text on the page after text replacement.
set_LeftAdjustment(double)Sets or gets left position adjustment for replaced text when using TextReplaceOptions:
set_ReplaceAdjustmentAction(TextReplaceOptions::ReplaceAdjustment)Sets an action that will be done after replace of text fragment to more short.
set_ReplaceScope(TextReplaceOptions::Scope)Sets a scope where replace text operation is applied.
set_RightAdjustment(double)Sets or gets right position adjustment for replaced text when using TextReplaceOptions:
TextReplaceOptions(TextReplaceOptions::Scope)Initializes new instance of the TextReplaceOptions object for the specified scope.
TextReplaceOptions(TextReplaceOptions::ReplaceAdjustment)Initializes new instance of the TextReplaceOptions object for the specified after replace action.

See Also