Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextState class

TextState class

Represents a text state of a text.

class TextState : public System::Object


virtual ApplyChangesFrom(System::SharedPtr<TextState>)Applies settings from another textState.
virtual get_BackgroundColor()Sets background color of the text.
virtual get_CharacterSpacing()Gets character spacing of the text.
virtual get_CoordinateOrigin()Gets text CoordinateOrigin. If CoordinateOrigin is Descender, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s lowest point. If CoordinateOrigin is BaseLine, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s baseline. The default value is Descender. If the font’s Descent value is too big, text can be rendered higher than other fonts. In this case, CoordinateOrigin BaseLine can be selected for better text rendering.
virtual get_Font()Gets font of the text.
virtual get_FontSize()Gets font size of the text.
virtual get_FontStyle()Sets font style of the text.
virtual get_ForegroundColor()Gets foreground color of the text.
virtual get_HorizontalAlignment()Gets horizontal alignment for the text.
virtual get_HorizontalScaling()Gets horizontal scaling of the text.
virtual get_Invisible()Gets the invisibility of text. This basically reflects the RenderingMode state, except for some special cases (like clipping).
virtual get_LineSpacing()Gets line spacing of the text.
virtual get_RenderingMode()Gets rendering mode of text.
virtual get_StrikeOut()Gets strikeout for the text, represented by the TextSegment object.
virtual get_StrokingColor()Gets foreground color of the text.
virtual get_Subscript()Gets subscript of the text.
virtual get_Superscript()Gets superscript of the text.
virtual get_Underline()Gets underline for the text, represented by the TextFragment object.
virtual get_WordSpacing()Gets word spacing of the text.
MeasureHeight(char16_t)Measures character height.
virtual MeasureString(System::String)Measures the string.
virtual set_BackgroundColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>)Sets background color of the text.
virtual set_CharacterSpacing(float)Sets character spacing of the text.
virtual set_CoordinateOrigin(Aspose::Pdf::Text::CoordinateOrigin)Sets text CoordinateOrigin. If CoordinateOrigin is Descender, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s lowest point. If CoordinateOrigin is BaseLine, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s baseline. The default value is Descender. If the font’s Descent value is too big, text can be rendered higher than other fonts. In this case, CoordinateOrigin BaseLine can be selected for better text rendering.
virtual set_Font(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::Font>)Sets font of the text.
virtual set_FontSize(float)Sets font size of the text.
virtual set_FontStyle(FontStyles)Sets font style of the text.
virtual set_ForegroundColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>)Sets foreground color of the text.
virtual set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment)Sets horizontal alignment for the text.
virtual set_HorizontalScaling(float)Sets horizontal scaling of the text.
virtual set_Invisible(bool)Sets the invisibility of text. This basically reflects the RenderingMode state, except for some special cases (like clipping).
virtual set_LineSpacing(float)Sets line spacing of the text.
virtual set_RenderingMode(TextRenderingMode)Sets rendering mode of text.
virtual set_StrikeOut(bool)Sets strikeout for the text, represented by the TextSegment object.
virtual set_StrokingColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>)Sets foreground color of the text.
virtual set_Subscript(bool)Sets subscript of the text.
virtual set_Superscript(bool)Sets superscript of the text.
virtual set_Underline(bool)Sets underline for the text, represented by the TextFragment object.
virtual set_WordSpacing(float)Sets word spacing of the text.
TextState()Creates text state object.
TextState(double)Creates text state object with font size specification.
TextState(System::Drawing::Color)Creates text state object with foreground color specification.
TextState(System::Drawing::Color, double)Creates text state object with foreground color and font size specification.
TextState(System::String)Creates text state object with font family specification.
TextState(System::String, bool, bool)Creates text state object with font family and font style specification.
TextState(System::String, double)Creates text state object with font family and font size specification.

See Also