Aspose::Pdf::Utils::PublicData::CosPdfNumber class

CosPdfNumber class

This class represents Pdf Number type.

class CosPdfNumber : public Aspose::Pdf::Utils::PublicData::CosPdfPrimitive


CosPdfNumber()Initializes a new instance of the CosPdfNumber class.
CosPdfNumber(double)Initializes a new instance of the CosPdfNumber class.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) override//
get_Value() constGets the value.
GetHashCode() const overrideGet hashcode for current object.
ToCosPdfBoolean() overrideTries cast this instance to CosPdfBoolean.
ToCosPdfName() overrideTries cast this instance to CosPdfName.
ToCosPdfNumber() overrideTries cast this instance to CosPdfNumber.
ToCosPdfString() overrideTries cast this instance to CosPdfString.
ToString() const overrideReturns a System::String that represents the current CosPdfNumber.

See Also