Aspose::Pdf::XfaConverter::XfaParserOptions class

XfaParserOptions class

class to handle related data incapsulation

class XfaParserOptions : public System::Object


get_BasePath() constGets the base path.
get_EmulateRequierdGroups() constIf this property is true then additional red rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa “excluded groups” This property was introduced because absences of analogues of excluded groups during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default.
get_PageSize() constGets the size of the page.
get_Signed() constIf this property is true then document will be converted with using of xfa form stream (if it exists). If it is false then xfa form stream will be ignored. This property was inrtoduced because it’s not clear how to calculate check sum that used for checking sygnature.
get_UriResolver() constGets the URI resolver.
set_BasePath(System::SharedPtr<System::Uri>)Sets the base path.
set_EmulateRequierdGroups(bool)If this property is true then additional red rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa “excluded groups” This property was introduced because absences of analogues of excluded groups during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default.
set_PageSize(System::Drawing::SizeF)Sets the size of the page.
set_Signed(bool)If this property is true then document will be converted with using of xfa form stream (if it exists). If it is false then xfa form stream will be ignored. This property was inrtoduced because it’s not clear how to calculate check sum that used for checking sygnature.
set_UriResolver(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Foundation::UriResolver::UriResolver>)Sets the URI resolver.
XfaParserOptions(System::Drawing::SizeF)Initializes a new instance of the XfaParserOptions class.

See Also