Aspose::Pdf::BaseOperatorCollection class

BaseOperatorCollection class

Represents base class for operator collection.

class BaseOperatorCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Operator>>


virtual Add(const System::SharedPtr<Operator>&)Adds new operator into collection.
virtual CancelUpdate()Cancels last update. This method may be called when the change should not raise contents update.
virtual Clear()Clears collection.
virtual Contains(const System::SharedPtr<Operator>&) constChecks if operator exists in collection.
virtual CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Operator>>, int32_t)Copies operators into operators list.
virtual get_Count() constGets count of operators in the collection.
virtual get_IsFastTextExtractionMode() constIndicates wheather collection is limited to fast text extraction.
virtual get_IsReadOnly() constReturns true if collection is read only.
virtual GetEnumerator()Returns enumerator for collection.
virtual idx_get(int32_t)Gets operator by its index.
virtual idx_set(int32_t, System::SharedPtr<Operator>)Gets operator by its index.
virtual Insert(int32_t, System::SharedPtr<Operator>)Inserts operator into collection.
virtual Remove(const System::SharedPtr<Operator>&)Removes operator from collection.
virtual ResumeUpdate()Resumes document update. Updates contents stream in case there are any pending changes.
virtual SuppressUpdate()Suppresses update contents data. The contents stream is not updated until ResumeUpdate is called.

See Also