Aspose::Pdf::CollectionItem class

CollectionItem class

Represents a collection item class. The collection item contains the data described by the collection schema.

class CollectionItem : public System::Object


get_AllNames()Gets a collection of all the names of collection item values.
get_IsEmpty()Gets a value indicating whether the collection item is empty.
HasName(System::String)Checks if the given name exists in the collection item.
TryGetDateTimeValue(System::String, System::SharedPtr<CollectionItem::Value<System::DateTime>>&)Tries to get the value of type DateTime from the collection item by the specified name.
TryGetDoubleValue(System::String, System::SharedPtr<CollectionItem::Value<double>>&)Tries to get the double value for the specified name from the collection item.
TryGetIntValue(System::String, System::SharedPtr<CollectionItem::Value<int32_t>>&)Tries to get the integer value for a specified name from the collection item.
TryGetTextValue(System::String, System::SharedPtr<CollectionItem::Value<System::String>>&)Tries to get the text value with the specified name from the collection item.

See Also