Aspose::Pdf::DocSaveOptions::RecognitionMode enum

RecognitionMode enum

Allows to control how a PDF document is converted into a word processing document.

enum class RecognitionMode


Flow1Full recognition mode, the engine performs grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author’s intent and produce a maximally editable document. The downside is that the output document might look different from the original PDF file.
EnhancedFlow2An alternative Flow mode that supports the recognition of tables.


Use the RecognitionMode::Textbox mode when the resulting document is not goining to be heavily edited futher. Textboxes are easy to modify when there is not a lot to do.

Use the RecognitionMode::Flow mode when the output document needs further editing. Paragraphs and texlines in the flow mode allow easy modification of text, but unupported formatting objects will look worse than in the RecognitionMode::Textbox mode.

See Also