Aspose::Pdf::DocumentInfo class

DocumentInfo class

Represents meta information of PDF document.

class DocumentInfo : public System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<System::String, System::String>


Add(const System::String&, const System::String&) overrideAdds an element with the specified key and value into the collection.
Clear() overrideClears the document info.
ClearCustomData()Clears custom data only, leaves all other predefined values (Title, Author, etc.).
DocumentInfo(System::SharedPtr<Document>)Initialize DocumentInfo instance.
get_Author()Gets document author.
get_CreationDate()Gets the date of document creation.
get_CreationTimeZone()Time zone of creation date.
get_Creator()Gets document creator.
get_Keywords()Gets or set the keywords of the document.
get_ModDate()Gets the date of document modification.
get_ModTimeZone()Time zone of modification date.
get_Producer()Gets the document producer.
get_Subject()Gets the subject of the document.
get_Title()Gets document title.
get_Trapped()Gets the trapped flag.
idx_get(const System::String&) const overrideGets the value associated with the specified key.
idx_set(const System::String&, System::String) overrideSets the value associated with the specified key.
static IsPredefinedKey(System::String)Determines if the key is predefined (Title, Author, etc.), not custom.
Remove(System::String)Removes the element with the specified key from the collection.
set_Author(System::String)Sets document author.
set_CreationDate(System::DateTime)Sets the date of document creation.
set_CreationTimeZone(System::TimeSpan)Time zone of creation date.
set_Creator(System::String)Sets document creator.
set_Keywords(System::String)Gets or set the keywords of the document.
set_ModDate(System::DateTime)Sets the date of document modification.
set_ModTimeZone(System::TimeSpan)Time zone of modification date.
set_Producer(System::String)Sets the document producer.
set_Subject(System::String)Sets the subject of the document.
set_Title(System::String)Sets document title.
set_Trapped(System::String)Sets the trapped flag.
SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t) overrideSet n’th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode.

See Also