Aspose::Pdf::HtmlSaveOptions::PagesFlowTypeDependsOnViewersScreenSize field

PagesFlowTypeDependsOnViewersScreenSize field

If attribute ‘SplitOnPages=false’, than whole HTML representing all input PDF pages will be put into one big result HTML file. This flag defines whether result HTML will be generated in such way that flow of areas that represent PDF pages in result HTML will depend on screen resolution of viewer. Suppose width of screen on viewer side is big enough to put 2 or more pages one near other in horizontal direction. If this flag set to true, then this opportunity will be used (as many pages will be shown in horizontal direction one near another as it possible, then next horizontal group of pages will be shown under first one ). Otherwise pages will flow in such way: next page goes always under previous one.

bool Aspose::Pdf::HtmlSaveOptions::PagesFlowTypeDependsOnViewersScreenSize

See Also