Aspose::Pdf::HtmlSaveOptions::set_AdditionalMarginWidthInPoints method

HtmlSaveOptions::set_AdditionalMarginWidthInPoints method

If attribute ‘SplitOnPages=false’, than whole HTML representing all input PDF pages wont be not split into different HTML pages, but will be put into one big result HTML file. But each source PDF page will be represented with it’s own rectangle area in HTML (if necessary that areas can be bordered to show page paper edges with special attribute ‘PageBorderIfAny’. This parameter defines width of margin that will be forcibly left around that output HTML-areas that represent pages of source PDF document.In essence it defines guaranteed interval between HTML-representations of PDF “paper” pages such mode of conversion.

void Aspose::Pdf::HtmlSaveOptions::set_AdditionalMarginWidthInPoints(int32_t value)


AdditionalMarginWidthInPoints is deprecated, please use PageMarginIfAny instead.

See Also