Aspose::Pdf::LoadFormat enum

LoadFormat enum

Specifies load format.

enum class LoadFormat


CGM0means loading of document in CGM format
HTML1means loading of document in HTML format
EPUB2means loading of document in EPUB format(special format of e-books)
XML3means loading of document in XML format(special XML that represent logical structure of PDF document)
XSLFO4means loading of document in XSLFO format
PCL5means loading of document in PCL format
XPS6means loading of document in XPS format
TEX7means loading of document in TEX format - format of Latex text editor
SVG8means loading of document in SVG format - format of Latex text editor
MHT9means loading of document in MHT format(that is packed HTML format)
PS10means loading of document in PS format(format of PostScript document)
MD11means loading document is in MD format (markdown).
TXT12means loading document is in TXT format.
APS13means loading document in APS format.
PDFXML14Internal PDF document structure in XML format.
OFD15means loading document in OFD format.
DJVU16means loading document in Djvu format.
CDR17means loading document in CDR format.

See Also