Aspose::Pdf::Matrix::Matrix constructor

Matrix::Matrix() constructor

Constructor creates stanrard 1 to 1 matrix: [ A B C D E F ] = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0].


See Also

Matrix::Matrix(double, double, double, double, double, double) constructor

Initializes transformation matrix with specified coefficients.

Aspose::Pdf::Matrix::Matrix(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)
adoubleA matrix value.
bdoubleB matrix value.
cdoubleC matrix value.
ddoubleD matrix value.
edoubleE matrix value.
fdoubleF matrix value.

See Also

Matrix::Matrix(System::ArrayPtr<double>) constructor

Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F ].

Aspose::Pdf::Matrix::Matrix(System::ArrayPtr<double> matrixArray)
matrixArraySystem::ArrayPtr<double>Matrix data array.

See Also

Matrix::Matrix(System::Details::ArrayView<float>) constructor

Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F ].

Aspose::Pdf::Matrix::Matrix(System::Details::ArrayView<float> matrixArray)
matrixArraySystem::Details::ArrayView<float>Matrix data array.

See Also

Matrix::Matrix(System::SharedPtr<Matrix>) constructor

Constructor accepts a matrix to create a copy.

Aspose::Pdf::Matrix::Matrix(System::SharedPtr<Matrix> matrix)
matrixSystem::SharedPtr<Matrix>Matrix object.

See Also